Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

How to make Crop Circle like UFO made it!

The existence of the Crop Circle has become a phenomenon since the 1400s. Although experts have argued that the pattern of man-made, there are still many who believe in symbols that often appear in the agricultural area was a trace of UFOs or aliens.

No one can answer for sure about that. All is still a mystery and controversy. But the fact that similar forms can be made by humans, would not be denied.

A number of videos on Youtube even describe how I create a symbol or special patterned circle. One was a video titled 'How To Make A Crop Circle' with a duration of 4:45 minutes.

If you want to make a circle like that, you could just make the video as a guide. You only need a few simple tools to help you create a beautiful shape to the eye.

In the video was shown, the tools you need is a board of wood, rope, and gauges. In the video, it seems there are two people when making crop circles. First, they determine the center point of the symbol that will be established.

Then, one one of the crop circle makers were standing at the point of these milestones, carrying one end of the meter. While his partner holding the other end and stretched. Then, he walked in a clockwise direction using the boards and ropes and knock down plants.

He walked according to the range of the meter that is connected with a colleague who was standing at the midpoint. So forth, with only two, a crop circle with a charming form can be formed.

Meanwhile, a video titled 'Make Circlemaker Formation for the News of The World' shows how to make a more detailed. Crop cicle maker in this video are also more numerous, more than three people. They use a kind of small arrows to mark a certain point and meter.

Before pulling down wheat crop, the crop circle makers that measure and manancapkan arrows at various angles. After the count here and there, they then began to tear down the yellowing wheat crop it. Of course, they have set up design crop circles that want to set up.

How, by walking in a clockwise direction by pushing the wooden boards that had tied a rope on the left and right. Wood also used a variety of sizes, depending on how wide you want the plant was demolished. Soon, Voila, a lovely crop circle was formed. Interested in trying?

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

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Demikian cara yang bisa saya bagi, Good Luck Pak Bro & Bu Bro !!!

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